Center Hospital > Medical Examination Center > Health Screening
Health Screening
One-day health screening
The one-day health screening covers following items:
Understanding the Life Habits
We will screen for lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hyperuricemia through history taking, physical examination and blood tests and advise you on how to prevent the development of such diseases and how to treatment them.
Screening for high blood pressure, arrhythmia, angina and other cardiac disorder by electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and blood pressure measurement.
Screening for pulmonary disorders such as lung cancer, tuberculosis and emphysema by chest X-ray and lung function test.
Digestive Organs
Screening for gastrointestinal diseases such as cancer, ulcer, polyp, and dysfunction of liver and pancreas by investigating esophagus, stomach, duodenum, liver, pancreas and gallbladder through upper GI tests, abdominal ultrasonography,
blood tests and stool analysis.
Urinary Organs
Screening for urinary disorders such as kidney stones and infection as well as investigation of the urinary bladder by urinalysis, blood tests, and ultrasonography.
Screening for cataract, glaucoma, and vascular change in the ocular fundus by visual acuity test, fundus photography and intraocular pressure measurement.
Screening for gynecological disorders such as uterine cancer and myoma through pelvic examination, cervical cytology and ultrasonography.
We also perform other screening tests for hearing, infections such as hepatitis virus and syphilis and determining blood type.
Optional tests are available in addition to the tests mentioned above, if you desire further examination or have any subjective symptoms you are concerned with.
Various Health Screening Courses
We can perform detailed examinations within half a day and give you the follow-up counseling of the result on the same day. We also have “day screening” and “overnight screening”. For overnight screening please choose either an “overnight package” or a “two ~ four day overnight package”.
Day Screening
- Male 57,000 yen (tax excluded)
- Female 64,000 yen (tax excluded)
If you do not have a Japanese insurance card the screening price will increase by 200% of the above price.
You can add optional tests if you have any symptoms that you are concerned of.
Overnight Screening
Days for screening : Monday to Friday (excluding national holidays)Exclusive patient rooms for screening
About Meals
Rice (“Tsuyahime” highest ranked tasteful rice from Yamagata prefecture) Or 2 pieces of rolled bread
Japanese black cattle sirloin steak from Saroma, Hokkaido
Fried potatoes, carrot glace, boiled broccoli and others
For rice we have selected a brand called “Tsuyahime”, one of Japan’s best ranking rice awarded for it’s consecutive excellence over the years. We cook this rice using a special pot for you to enjoy its shiny white color, perfect degree of softness, as well as its sweet and delicious umami taste.
For the cooking oil we use “rice oil”. This oil is a vegetable oil containing “oleic acid” that reduces the bad cholesterol without affecting the good cholesterol. It also contains more“ food sterol” than other types of oil which inhibits the absorption of cholesterol taken from food into the body.
Overnight Package
- Male 180,000 yen (tax excluded)
- Female 200,000 yen (tax excluded)
The overnight package contains more thorough examinations of those included in the day screening package; the sugar tolerance test, CT examination of the chest, colorectal examination (X-ray or endoscopic examination) and breast examination for women (X-ray and ultrasonography). For those who have other concerns, please consider our additional examinations as an option.
Two ~ four day overnight package
These packages have been arranged for those who want to take an opportunity to refresh and receive the screening in a more relaxed manner. The courses contain all the examinations included in the overnight package and optional examinations can be added upon your request.
If you choose to stay over two nights, a standard admittance fee will be added separately from the screening price.