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Toppage > Visitor Guidelines-Visiting an Inpatient-

Visitor Guidelines-Visiting an Inpatient-

Visiting an Inpatient

Nov 11, 2022 Please be informed that with the arrival of the 8th wave of COVID-19 infections, visiting restrictions may be imposed soon. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Visiting restrictions have been implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but have been eased as of Oct 24, 2022.
Visiting allowed: Mon-Fri between 14:00-16:00
Visiting not allowed: Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays
*Please note that visiting may be prohibited depending on patient’s wishes or clinical condition.
(Click here for details)

Visiting Procedures

  1. Please check your temperature with thermal cameras at the hospital entrance.
  2. Please receive a “number tag”, a “Visitor Registration Form”, and a “COVID-19 self-checklist” at the General Information Desk (1st floor).
  3. Please fill out the documents and wait nearby until you are called by your number.
  4. When you are called by your number, please turn in the “Visitor Registration Form” at the General Information Desk, and receive a visitor’s pass before going to the ward.
  5. Please show the “COVID-19 self-checklist” at the nurses’ station, and a nurse will record your visiting time.
  6. When you leave the ward, please turn in the “COVID-19 self-checklist” at the nurses’ station.

If you have been called to come to the hospital by our staff, you do not need to wait for your visit with a number tag. When you come, please notify a staff at the General Information Desk.

Rules to be complied by visitors

  • If you are not feeling well, please refrain from visiting inpatients.
  • Visits are limited to once a day, up to 15min, up to 2 visitors at a time.
  • Visitors must be aged 15 and above.
  • Please make sure to wear your face mask properly at all times. Also, do not eat or drink during your visit.
  • Visits outside the ward (atrium, Tully’s coffee etc.) will not be allowed.
  • If you fail to follow the instructions of our staff, you will not be permitted to visit.
  • You need to apply in advance to visit the ICU, HCU, and SCU. Please ask our ward staff for details.

Baggage Drop-offs

The General Information Desk (1st floor) will accept baggage for inpatients within the hours below.

【Mon-Fri】 Please take your baggage directly to the patient within the visiting hours.
【Sat, Sun, National Holidays】 14:00-16:00

Rules to be complied by visitors

  • Fresh flowers, and food and beverages which are not permitted by the hospital will not be accepted.
  • Please be sure to notify a staff at the General Information Desk if you have valuable or fragile items in the baggage.
  • Please note that ward staff may not be able to respond to your request right away. You may need to wait to pick up patient’s laundry and other items.

* If you plan to pick up patients’ belongings, please have the patient notify our ward staff in advance so that things proceed smoothly.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
(Click here for details)