
トップページ > 診療科・部門 > 診療科(外科系) > 皮膚科 > 研究実績・活動実績 > 2018年度発表論文等一覧



  1. Yotsu RR, Suzuki K, Simmonds RE, Bedimo R, Ablordey A, Yeboah-Manu D, Phillips R, Asiedu K.
    Buruli Ulcer: a Review of the Current Knowledge.
    Curr Trop Med Rep.
  2. Yotsu RR.
    Integrated Management of Skin NTDs-Lessons Learned from Existing Practice and Field Research.
    Trop Med Infect Dis.
  3. Yotsu RR, Richardson M, Ishii N.
    Drugs for treating Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans disease).
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
  4. Yotsu RR, Kouadio K, Vagamon B, N'guessan K, Akpa AJ, Yao A, Akテゥ J, Abbet Abbet R, Tchamba Agbor Agbor B, Bedimo R, Ishii N, Fuller LC, Hay R, Mitjテ O, Drechsler H, Asiedu K.
    Skin disease prevalence study in schoolchildren in rural Côte d'Ivoire: Implications for integration of neglected skin diseases (skin NTDs).
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis.
  5. Ishiura N, Tamura-Nakano M, Okochi H, Tateishi C, Maki M, Shimoda Y, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Tamaki T.
    Herpetiform pemphigus with characteristic transmission electron microscopic findings of various-sized ballooning vacuoles in keratinocytes without acantholysis.
    Br J Dermatol.


  1. 工藤万里
    Poroid hidradenomaの2例
    臨床皮膚科(0021-4973)72巻9号 Page699-702(2018.08)
  2. 玉木 毅、四津 里英
    MB Derma 268:235-242,2018
  3. 石浦 信子
    診断と治療 107, Suppl.:74-5, 2019
  4. 石浦 信子
    診断と治療 107, Suppl.:76-7, 2019
  5. 玉木 毅
    リウマチ科 61:240-5,2019
  6. 四津 里英
    日本皮膚科学会ガイドライン 疥癬診療ガイドライン(第3版追補)
    日本皮膚科学会雑誌(0021-499X)128巻13号 Page2791-2801(2018.12)
  7. 四津 里英
    最近話題の皮膚疾患 Skin NTDs(neglected tropical diseases)の視点と日本の対応
    臨床皮膚科(0021-4973)72巻5号 Page31-36(2018.04)
  8. 角田 麻衣子
    乳癌の放射線療法後に生じたRadiation-induced Morpheaの1例
    皮膚科の臨床(0018-1404)60巻12号 Page1827-1829(2018.11)
  9. 野々垣 彰
    皮膚科の臨床(0018-1404)60巻12号 Page1849-1852(2018.11)


  1. Yotsu RR.
    Towards an Integrated Approach Against Buruli Ulcer and Other Skin NTDs.
    Grand Rounds, Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine Division, UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas, USA, May, 2018.
  2. Yotsu RR.
    Buruli ulcer.
    The 49th Union World Conference on Lung Health, UNION 2018 Annual Meeting. Hague, Netherlands, Oct, 2018.
  3. Yotsu RR.
    Buruli ulcer.
    American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2018 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA, Oct, 2018.
  4. Yotsu R.
    Diagnosis and management of Buruli ulcer: in and out of the tropics.
    Seminar for Buruli ulcer, Center for Tuberculosis Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Baltimore, USA, Nov, 2018.
  5. Yotsu R.
    Chronic wound care in Japan and its realities in Africa.
    The 9th National Colloquium on Evidence Based Integrative Medicine for Lymphatic Filariasis and other Chronic Dermatoses. Kasaragod, India, Jan, 2019.
  6. Yotsu R.
    Combined surveillance approach for early detection and treatment of neglected tropical diseases of the skin ‘’Skin NTDs’) in endemic rural districts of Côte d’Ivoire.
    The 6th International Conference on Mycetoma. Khartoum, Sudan, Feb, 2019.
  7. Yotsu R.
    Scabies disease: health, social, and economic impacts.
    WHO Meeting on development of interim guidance for the control of scabies through public health action. Manila, Philippines, Feb, 2019.
  8. Yotsu R.
    Scabies outbreak in high and low-income settings.
    WHO Meeting on development of interim guidance for the control of scabies through public health action. Manila, Philippines, Feb, 2019.
  9. Yotsu R.
    Buruli ulcer: in and out of the tropics.
    NU WISE Kick-off Meeting. Nagasaki, Japan, Mar, 2019.
  10. Yotsu RR, Kouadio K, N’Golo DC, N’guetta A, Kouadio KL, Yeboue E, Kouakou-Adonis KA, Constance K, Akpa M, N’guessan K, Ishii N, Simplice D, Assé H, Yao A, Vagamon B. .
    Skin disease prevalence survey as a part of integration activities for skin NTDs in Côte d’Ivoire: results from the Adzopé and Gagnoa health districts and implications for future implementation.
    WHO Meeting on Buruli ulcer and skin NTDs. Geneva, Switzerland, Mar, 2019.


  1. 向川早紀,藤井ひかり,石浦信子,玉木毅,佐藤典子.
    日本皮膚科学会第880回東京地方会. 東京, 7月, 2018.
  2. 工藤万里,石浦信子,大熊喜彰,中野美和,赤坂英二郎,大河内仁志,中野創,玉木毅.
    日本皮膚科学会第82回日本皮膚科学会東部支部学術大会. 旭川, 10月, 2018.
  3. 向川早紀,石浦信子,玉木毅,山下裕之.
    日本皮膚科学会第882回東京地方会. 東京, 1月, 2019.
  4. 向川早紀,石浦信子,玉木毅.
    日本皮膚科学会第883回東京地方会. 東京, 2月, 2019.
  5. 播摩瑶子,向川早紀,角田麻衣子,野々垣彰,宇野優,工藤万里,石浦信子,玉木毅,松本周一郎.
    日本皮膚科学会第883回東京地方会. 東京, 2月, 2019.



  1. 玉木 毅,関口 順輔.
    寺島 裕夫, 医学通信社, 東京, p57-60, 2018.
  2. 寺島 裕夫,玉木 毅.
    寺島 裕夫, 医学通信社, 東京, p2-7, 2018.
  3. 徳原 真,黒木 啓文,原 徹男,小林 信之,武田 憲夫,玉木 毅,矢永 勝彦,小出 良平,関口 順輔.
    腋窩多汗症注射(第4章 注射)
    寺島 裕夫, 医学通信社, 東京, p271-272, 2018.
  4. 玉木 毅.
    エキスパートから学ぶ 皮膚病診療パワーアップ.
    秀 道広,青山 裕美,加藤 則人, 中山書店, 東京, p89-92, 2018.
