Center Hospital > Medical Examination Center

Medical Examination Center
Complete medical checkup (Health screening) service in Japan is believed to have started at the First Tokyo National Hospital, the predecessor of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine. In 2016 we opened our redesigned health screening programs aiming for higher accuracy based on our years of experience and the achievements we have had. Our target is to prevent diseases and improve health, which are the fundamental missions of health screening. We do not make judgments solely on the numerical values from screening, but aim to provide a holistic health assessment by collaborating with the specialists from various fields and taking into consideration the background of individuals (age, gender, occupation, level of daily activities etc.) and to practice detailed follow-up counseling based on the assessment results.
Screening fees for those without Japanese health insurance
For non-Japanese who are not entitled to Japanese health insurance and Japanese who live abroad and are not entitled to Japanese health insurance, the examination price will be 2 times that of the listed price.
Important notices for foreigners and those without Japanese health insurance
If you are planning to visit our Medical Examination Center, please make a reservation through the “Registered Agents" listed below. Thank you for your cooperation.
Registered Agents that provide medical interpreters;
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